

Education in Italy is compulsory for children from 6 to 16 years of age. Public education in Italy is free for all children. The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), which supports the enrolment of children from 6 to 18 years of age, governs the school system. There are also private schools, recognized by the State, but these are fee-paying.
The Italian education system is organized in three stages. The first cycle of education (primo ciclo d’istruzione) includes:

  • .Primary school (scuola elementare), which lasts 5 years, is compulsory for all children who turn 6 years of age before December 31 of the current school year;
  • .Lower secondary education (scuola secondaria di primo grado or scuola media), which lasts 3 years, is compulsory for children that have concluded primary school. This first cycle of education ends with an exam (esame di licenza media) to get the middle school diploma.
  • .The higher secondary education (secondo ciclo d’istruzione or scuola secondaria di secondo grado) lasts 5 years. It is subdivided into Lyceums (licei), technical schools (istituti tecnici), and vocational schools (istituti professionali). The cycle ends with an exam awarding the high school-leaving diploma needed to access post high-school education.
  • .Higher education (istruzione superiore)

Pre school

Preschool consists of two levels: day nursery (asilo nido) and kindergarten (scuola dell'infanzia). Day nursey accepts babies who are at least 90 days old. Costs vary according to the number of hours children attend and to the specific nursery. Kindergartens accept 3-6 year olds who have not yet started primary school.

European School of Parma

The Accredited European School of Parma is an Italian school associated with the European School system from which it adopts ordinances, programmes, curricula and administrative models. There are currently 742 students divided into three language sections (English, French and Italian) across nursery, primary and secondary cycles. At the age of eighteen, the final year students take an exam organized by the central administration and receive the European Baccalaureate diploma.

Conservatorio di Musica Arrigo Boito

Conservatorio di Musica Arrigo Boito in Parma, institute of high culture, is a centre dedicated to providing the highest artistic training, education, specialization, research and production in music.  

University of Parma

The University of Parma is a State University. As such, it is self-governing and has administrative, organisational, and accountancy independence, while providing tailored services for students. Its centuries-old history dates back to 13th March 962, when Emperor Ottonian I conferred on Uberto, the Bishop of Parma, the initiation of the University in the 'Diploma'. This document, which granted the Bishop the power to order and elect legal leaders ('eligere et ordinare notarios'), was the foundation for an educational institution that would last centuries later, and is still kept in the Bishop's Archives in Parma today.

European College of Parma Foundation

The European College of Parma Foundation, supported among others by Parma University, Municipality of Parma, UPI, is a higher education institute which provides advanced academic training for young graduates coming from European and Non-EU countries in the field of European Union law, economics and policies, and, more generally, on the process of European integration.

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